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Friday, December 7, 2012

"Objectif 500 millions" sur "JT" d' Antenne 2

On February 9th 1966 the second French television channel "Antenne 2" had an item in its main evening news called "JT" about a new action movie/thriller being filmed on the beaches of the coastal village "Lacanau-Océan", not far from the well known town of Bordeaux, famous for its wine and vineyards. The film being shot in a very cold winter wind was "Object 500 million", directed by Pierre Schoendorfer and starring Bruno Cremer and Marisa Mell in the main cast. The director is interviewed by journalist Marie-Claire Gautier. Pierre Schoendorfer tells his motives for filming a heist story about a French army captain aiming to steel 500 million French Francs from the French Postal Office plane with the help of his accomplice played by Marisa Mell. Asked why he choose Marisa Mell the director answered that Marisa Mell is a modern strong women perfect for this role which he likes very much. That Marisa Mell is almost unknown in France at that time is no problem for the director. You can see the entire clip at the end of this item after the screen shots of this news item.

You can see the complete item here

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